Saturday, September 6, 2008

Touch and go internet and the story of a sting.

Written Yesterday:

Well I guess I got it later than everyone else, but I can nicely say that I need to be 100 ft. from a bathroom at all times. I knew I would drop some weight here, but I didn't think it would be for this reason. HAHA. Well I guess 75% of the student body has been going through this, so I don't feel alone. Nicole was nice enough to let me use her clinical strength meds which I have taken twice and have only sort of helped. I guess it takes your body some time to get used to the water and the food.

Now for the pressing issue of the wasp sting. I was in the computer lab this morning and went to pick up some papers off of a desk and leaned right on this thing. At first it felt like a hot wire was touching my leg, and then... oh the pain. I am rather alright with pain, or at least laughing it off. Well I could not hold this back. I fell to the ground and wept. I could barely speak. Poor Naomi didn't know what was wrong with me. Oh I did see the thing fly off, but only for a second, I think it was black. I tried so hard to laugh it off but I couldn't. Nothing could possibly hurt this bad, and you all know I have body modifications that should hurt worse. No Way. So when I finally got myself into a chair a guy walks in to see my balling and was all "Ok, Bad Time" and I could barely get out that I had been stung. So Naomi went and got Mrs. Wright and they got Ice and some cream. She told me that her husband had gotten stung and that it would hurt all day. Well I would say that would be an understatement. The Ice numbed the wound pretty well for awhile. However, my leg now feels like it is on fire. Sometimes it starts twitching or has some wave of pain. And goodness, I wish it would stop. It is not easy to run down five flights of steps to the bathroom when your leg is on fire. So I have basically bummed around all day because I didn't have class and would like to be able to walk at our field study on Sunday.

Last night I went out with a group of guys for Thursday night which if you think about it is like our Friday night. All the young people hang out in the new city. So we went up Jaffa St. to an outdoor restaurant/hookah bar and talked for a few hours. It really was a good time. The boys got a water pipe which smelled like Apples (No, I didn't have any) and I got a Cappuccino which kept me up ALL NIGHT. That's right, tired, sick, wasp sting. But hey I would rather go through it all at once and what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. It weird here because the drinking age is lower and we are basically free to do what we want off campus. I guess this freedom is a more European way of looking at education, but I like it. Oh and the hookah, which I still dont quite have figured out, they were everywhere. You could rent one anywhere in that area, and most of the young people where enjoying them. I bet there is no age limit because there is little or no nicotine in them, or so I have been told. Just another chance to pass on things of this world. We left there and went to block buster so the boys could rent something, and I thought it was funny that all the Titles where in Hebrew! All in all a really fun way to spend a night.

So I am going to finish my free diet coke I won from the scavenger hunt (yes it says it in Hebrew) and wait for dinner. We are having a BBQ tonight, but most of the boys went on a man trip to Tel Aviv, I would really like to go sometime to the beach as well. I am also singing for vespers tonight, because no one volunteered to do so and I like singing anyway.

I apologize to all of those who are waiting for me to get in contact with them, the internet here has been up and down all day and last night, In fact I will probably have to save this and post it later, so blessings to all, please be praying for my illness and even more for this sting. I hope everyone is Doing great, and a very Happy Birthday to my sister Kayla! Love you, Claire

Written Today:
The Internet has been down here for the past two days, or touch and go. I havent been able to get on so I apologize to those who are trying to talk to me.

TO Kayla, Happy Birthday...its today right? Anyway I am sorry I have to be away for this special day for you. I love you!

Love Claire

ps. the sting is doing better, but its still swollen.


Unknown said...

Hi Sweetie,
I am so sorry to hear you tale of pain. I have only been stung once and it hurt very bad. I was wondering when the food and water issue would hit you. You will be better soon. I really hope you are well enough to do your field study. I know how much you enjoyed it last week. It sounds like you are getting a experience from the night life. Wow, what a culture shock. It is so interesting living this experience through you. I miss you so much. I did drink a Starbucks in your honor yesterday--haha. I promise the moment you step off the plane I will have one waiting for you. The band is playing this afternoon and I will be home hopefully early enough to speak with you on Skype. I saw Tim yesterday and asked him to send my love if he spoke with you before me. Hope to talk with you soon. Please send my love to Jennilee.
Love~Mom <3

wandering through life said...

Sorry to hear about the illness and sting. It is not a fun thing when you live up five flights of stairs. Hope you feel better very soon. I'm concerned about Jennilee. I haven't heard from her in several days. I saw in your blog that the internet wasdown for a couple of days but I still haven't heard from Jennilee. I would have thought she would have sent something by now.
Your adventure out to the club was something. Was it strange or exciting? I hope you can find a decent cup of coffee soon. I like my coffee and would not be happy not to get it.
Take care,
Mom Porch