Sunday, September 7, 2008

Finally Posting

Sorry everyone, I know I've slacked off on posting here. But part of it was unavoidable due to our internet being down basically this whole weekend.
So to get you updated:
Shabbat dinner and vespers was really awesome on Friday. We had a BBQ outside and then we all gathered around in the grass to sing and worship God. Claire was one of the leading singers, who was sort of caught off guard because they asked her at dinner if she would sing after. But it went really well and she did an awesome job. After the singing we all stood (or sat) around and chatted until 9pm (when we were going to watch Aladdin). I had a really good time talking with Lila (the cutest little baby of one of the grad students) and her mom. Lila was trying to eat the grass, but we all kept watch on her. It was also really nice to watch Aladdin with a big group of us. The funniest part was when a number of the guys all came in on the part of the song that goes, "I will open your eyes...". Anyways, it was really funny.

Today we had our second field study for Physical Settings. We started at 7am [and you thought 8am classes were bad]. We first went to go look at a part of the wall from Hezekiah's time, I believe. It proved the wall was farther out than previously thought. What was also interesting was watching the city wake up. Little cute children would walk by, probably going to school. Also, there was a playground right across from where we were, which the kids went to as well.
Later we got to see a 3D movie on the City of David. It showed the history of Israel being taken by Assyria, then how Hezekiah made a tunnel to divert the water when the Assyrians tried to attack him. Apparently, we still can't exactly figure out how Hezekiah was able to make this tunnel, because they were tunneling blind from two ends and ended up meeting each other. Even though, it was not a straight shot. However, what was even better than the movie was actually walking through Hezekiah's tunnel.
Now Hezekiah's tunnel was constructed to divert water, so guess what we walked in for most of the tunnel...that's right - water. It was actually really fun, especially since we were forewarned of the water part. The first section of the water was deepest, coming up maybe 6 or 7inches above my knees. However, it was a lot lower for most of the walk. At first you could stand up in the tunnel, then the ceiling got really low. Good thing I'm not claustrophobic. There were also other parts where the ceiling was very high, apr. twice my height. So anyway, it was a lot of fun and for a little while some people were singing as we walked through. The tunnel had pretty good acoustics.
After the tunnel we went to the Pool of Siloam. This is the pool that Jesus sent the blind man to wash the mud off his eyes (that Jesus put on them). Also, another miracle Jesus did on the Sabbath. A cute little kitten decided to join our discussion, probably because he knew that we would all pet him. Though, he was probably also looking for food.
From here we went to look at an ancient burial site. They used to believe the tombs we were near were for the poor, though now they seem far to elaborate for that purpose. Apparently, after the bodies decomposed and all that was left were bones, they would be placed in a whole with the bones of your ancestors. So when it says in the O.T. that so-and-so slept with his fathers, his bones were actually laying on top of his father's bones.
Soon after this we hiked up the hill back toward campus for lunch. I will write about the second half of our day probably tomorrow. It is getting late and I should get to bed.
I hope everyone is well. May God bless you all and keep you.


P.S. Check out the new pictures:

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