Friday, September 12, 2008

Stuffy Muffy

Shabbat Shalom readers! Sorry that it has been a few days since I updated, but I guess it my case it has seemed like a busy week. Mostly in the fact that I am still sick, in fact sicker then I was when I wrote my last blog. This cold is really chewing me up, and I am not getting as much done as I would like to. Plus tomorrow we have a feild study called "Jerusalem approaches" where we take a bus all over so I have been trying to really rest all week to feel better. I even took my name of the hike list for Sunday so I could get some rest before our exam on Tuesday. I thought I was feeling a little better yesturday because I got a good nap, but what ever I have wont kick. Hopefully the Lord will heal me soon. I just want to be able to read a book without falling asleep on it. I am also having trouble reading people because my head is so blurry so I am just assuming everyone is upset with me. I feel bad that I am still sick. So please pray this out of me!

Lets see the other day we went out for my friend Nicoles birthday. She found this resturaunt in her guidebook and it was said to be cheap, so about 20 of us walked into the arab quarter and searched for it. It cost 35 sheckles a person, which is 10 dollars us, and was AWESOME. They were really nice and opened for us even though they were on their way home to eat after the fast. (Its Ramadon!) So as far as the food, you know how at Olive garden, you can get a taste of Italy, we this was like taste of Palestine! Lets see I don't know all of the names of what we ate, but they brought it out and we all shared it! There was Pita, Falofal balls, Hummus, Black Hummus with this avacodo sauce on it, the spicy red paste that I loved, this other eggplant sauce that tasted like butter to me, and maybe some other sauce thing, and also arab salad and this other salad that was basically olives and pickles. All of this I guess went on the Pita. They also brought us out french fries and ketchup! It was a great time and so good!

That was on Tuesday though, and its friday, so where has the time gone. On wednesday I rested to try to get the sick out of me, no such luck, but I went to Christian Communities in the Middle East class at night which was pretty interesting and a lot of information. I decided to drop the class even though I really liked it, because I have to take two semesters of Chruch History at home as well. Yesturday I had three classes which made for a long day but I enjoyed the subject matter! This morning I went to Archeaology class that I am thankfully auditing, and it was THREE STRAIGHT HOURS with no break. Thank goodness I brought tissues because I was barely hanging on! I basically listened and drew pictures and seemingly had a nice time. Tim, our professor is Avi Barkei, and yes he was the man you saw on tv, my friend told me she saw it too! I thought you would want to know!

Tonight is shabbat, which is a nice time to .... well I am really not sure, but its a little nicer of a meal with the other students, and hopefully hummus, because today was grocery day! I have been trying to eat healthy here and thankfully we have a ton of fresh fruit and veggies to eat here. I didn't know you could eat a fig outside of a cookie!

Well I am going to go attempt to read for class, Love You!

How I feel about Hummus...

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