Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Benjamin Feild Study from Claire's Eyes


Well everyone, here I am reporting again of another interesting JUC field study. So again Jennilee and I woke at 5:20, because I reset the clock at 4 when I couldn’t sleep. I do not know if it is much help for me to get up this early because I basically stood there in my skivvies for 20 minutes and stared in space while Jennilee went and took a shower. This is when I start thinking that I miss caffeine in my life. I can make coffee when I am still sleeping; I can not get dressed and put on makeup, or in this case sun block. I am definitely a sun block junkie. I am about the same color I was when I left, and I think I may be the only student here who can claim that. I have however developed some adorable freckles which I am sure will take a month to fade. Anyway, about the land of Benjamin:

We started the day by driving into the wilderness. Now I am not sure what I thought of when I thought of that term, but I will give you some Bible references because I am using this report to study for our exam tomorrow (oh yes, the next day because we are so smart, why wait?) Deut 1:19, Deut 8:15, Isaiah 34:13-15, Jer. 2:6-7, and Hosea 2:3-4. These all basically describe the wilderness as somewhere you wouldn’t want to visit. I really like the Hosea verses because he doesn’t beat around the bush. Anyway if you have time to read Deut 32-33 you can here echos of the creation account! So we got off the bus and headed off the beaten path to walk some of the ancient roman route called the Assent of Adommin. We also got to walk through a Bedowin camp! So what is so cool about this stretch of roadway? Well it’s in the Wadi Kilt (a wadi is a valley). Also, if you read Luke 10:25 about the good Samaritan, this was that road! The road will take you down to Jericho and is the best route from Jerusalem down to the rift valley. We stopped at a highpoint and looked out over the wilderness. When I think about it now it almost brings tears to my eyes. It was so… big. I know that sounds lame, but we all sat in silence and looked at it for a minute, and I just felt so consumed.

The next stop on our list was New Testament Jericho. Basically the city has two cites for two different time periods. This one was Herod’s Palace and it was built in two parts with a bridge connecting the two. The palace was at the mouth of the Wadi kilt which was good because you are right at the Assent so you can keep an eye on the route. The palace had a new building style where you stacked diamond shaped stones together and you could potentially make a curved wall for the first time. I may have taken some mossaic tiles with me that I found on the ground...maybe. Free gifts much?

The tel was pretty sweet. Yes, we do make tel jokes all of the time! (but it’s hard to tel!) A tel is a city cite where over time a mound has been formed because every few hundred years the city would get leveled for some reason or other and get built on top of. Think of it as a cake with different layer flavors. The city of Jericho has some date issues as far as the history is concerned, but there is some evidence of the story being true if you believe in the early exodus. I really have no idea what I think. Anyway the most recent digging their by Kathleen Keyan, Bible Hater and Archaeologist, (I like her, and I don’t even know why) unearthed this tower structure that dates back to 8,000 BC! WOW! That is the oldest man made building that we have! I could have gone and touched it but I kinda had to pee and the bus was going to be leaving soon…Jericho is called the city of Palms because it’s close proximity to water. It is the backdoor into the Benjamin Plateau because three routes come off of it!

We stopped for lunch at a highpoint in the land commemorating the prophet Samuel. Well some people think he’s buried there, but that’s not what the Bible says. It was a great view from the top of the holy place there. We the ruins there are byzantine. From this high point you can see all of the major cities that make up the Benjamin Plateau, so we took the time to figure out the story or the Levite and his...girlfriend. You know the one where he... "breaks up with her" and sends her around to his buddies? Yes that one!

This spot was really cool. We can’t actually get to Mizpah or Geba, because they are in a bad part of the west bank, we drove to a spot where you can look at both of them. We got to see were Jonathan and his armor bearer kicked some Philistine Butt! Maybe here I could mention about the roads in this part of the country. I wish I could get an airial map because they are insane! They twist like nothing I have ever seen before. They built these roads so that Palestinians didnt have to leave Palestine to get from Bethlehem to Jericho.

I always assumed you pronounced this geezer, but I guess you don’t! This was my favorite place out of doors so far. Probably because it was so green and reminded me of home. The picture is Jennilee and I in front of an Ebenezer. We talked about how it was important to put reminders of what God has done in our lives as well. I should note that when I saw a picture of this in class I said to Megan, "Look, STONGE HENGE" and I want you to know, that I did not mean to use my accent. The other picture is just a sign for Be'er Sheva, because I thought it was funny.
Love and Miss you! Claire

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well, Claire, you are getting to be a regular comedian. Maybe if the ministry thing doesn't take you could make it big as a Christian comic (you could 'tel' jokes)! But seriously, I loved reading your version of the field study and the pix! The descriptions were just great. Hugs from Gingee!