Sunday, September 7, 2008

Tunnels and Tantrums.

Today was definitely physically taxing. I do not remember the last time I have been this tired at the end of the day. I mean it’s only eight and I am ready for bed! We started the day near our campus on the roof of the building that did not house the last supper. Then we moved to the room that actually housed the last supper. See the room is just so wrong for the last supper. There are bits of the Karan on the wall and gothic architecture. Basically it just can not be the room. However, it was nice to go and see it for its tradition. We moved from there to the Jewish quarter to see a part of Hezekiah’s wall that was excavated after the Jewish quarter fell following the war in the 1960’s. I really enjoyed watching the city wake up around us. My favorite part were the little Jewish boys and girls going off to school for the day.
We then headed to the City of David, where we entered the very nice visitor’s center. The first thing that we did there was watch this insane 3D video about the ancient city. I have never been to one of these movies before, but having birds fly out at you was pretty neat. After the fun of 3D glasses was over, we stood up on a platform on which you could view the whole lower section of the City of David, which by the way was rather small. We are getting very good at picking out hills and valleys now. Believe me you feel them with your feet. Then came probably my favorite part of the day, which was when we got to walk through Hezekiah’s tunnel though the belly of the city! It was such fun walking through this small tunnel built to keep the Assyrians from getting to the water supply during the war. We where up to our waist in water some of the time and the worst part was that I forgot my flash light, so I kept taking pictures hoping it would help me see! So let’s just say I took a lot of pictures of Jennilee’s backside, because she was all I could see. Sometimes the tunnel would get so small you would have to bend over just to get through. It was an awesome experience. Then came my least favorite part of the day, which started off fine with us seeing this nice tomb that probably belonged to this priest that I can not remember, and then ended with the worst climb out of the valley up to our school. This walk went first up this rugged “hill” which went straight up and then up this paved 45 degree 600 ft rise up from hell to my room in heaven. I thought I was going to die. I am not being dramatic. You know the point when you want to break down and weep but you can not because you are hyperventilating, yeah I was there. Jennilee talked my up the last staircase. I do not think I can talk about it anymore. It gave a new definition to what they meant by “You must be in excellent physical condition.” By the way I thought they meant like do not have cancer or something! I wanted to roll into the hinnom valley and get eatten by the dogs.
After our one hour of lunch back at school we were back out again. That was outfit number two for me. I can barely remember what we did by then and am looking through my photos. Oh alright we went to the Temple Mount museum, which is right next to the mount, and more importantly air conditioned. It was really interesting to here the history behind the site and see what has been dug up. Other than that we basically spent the rest of the day at the Holy Septlicure (no idea how to spell that), which was pretty cool if you enjoy folklore and Catholic tradition. If you need something rubbed on Calvary or the tomb of Jesus, please just let me know! Well it is good to be back at school and showered. I hope everyone is doing great!

Love Claire

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