Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Finally Posting [Part 2]

Ok, so after lunch (last Sunday) we got to go see the church of the Holy Sepulcher. This apparently is where Jesus' crucifixion and burial took place, but whether that is accurate we don't know. Anyways, we started at the far east side which is where people originally would have started from. Then we walked up a long staircase and to the current entrance where a large mural is. This mural depicts Jesus' crucifixion, taking Him down from the cross to be prepared for burial, and His burial. There is a large flat stone in front of this mural that represents the place where Jesus was prepared for burial. Some people would come and touch the stone and pray over it. Most people know that this stone wasn't the actual stone, but maybe not all of them. So from here we went to the place where Jesus is said to have been buried. They have built a large structure around the spot, so that it is in a free standing room within the church. I don't think your allowed to take pictures in there, but people can go in and see it. We weren't able to spend too much time in the church because we had one more stop and then we had to get back. Though, I'm sure I and others will go back in our free time to see it in more detail. In all, this was my favorite field study as of yet.

I will be able to get picture of our visit to the church up when I get a new cord for my computer...so basically not any time soon, sorry.
I hope everyone is doing well with school and work and life. Just remember all of our efforts for anything that we pursue means nothing if it's detracting from our relationship with Jesus.
I must tell you that I don't think I've ever felt so close to Jesus that I do now. I love going to Him in prayer, and reading about Him, and learning about Him. I don't think it is just because I'm in Jerusalem (or the "Holy Land"), but because I'm in a place where I can't rely on the familiar. I am out here on my own, in a land so very far away form home, and Jesus is using this to show me that He is big enough and strong enough to be everything I need.

You all are in my prayers, and I thank you that I have been in yours.
Love and God Bless,

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