Thursday, September 4, 2008

Nes Cafe

They don't drink brewed coffee here, and in the moring they drink instant coffee, which I have been getting used to. A nice young man with a french press lets me in on the coffee wealth sometimes and it is much appreciated it. I can walk about a quarter mile to get an americano, but sometimes there isn't time.

We are about to head off to Hebrew 3 at three, and it should be alright. I can still read fairly well and my hebrew tongue is slowly coming back to me. The teacher told me that I read beatifully, but he didnt know that I knew the verse I was reading, so I practiced the verses for today so I wouldnt sound like an idiot. We are going to be parsing verbs IN HEBREW. I didn't think I signed up for that, but I suppose it will be a fun new skill to show off in the Hebrew four class when I get back home. We are translating 2 Kings this semester mostly for Hebrew and also to get the Historical and Geographical names out of the text. Interesting Yes, easy no. Our professor in that class is a Jew from the states, and he cracks me up, and supposidly is very gracious, which is a blessing for my fragil feelings when it comes to hebrew.

Today we are going to the office depot to get the school supplies we forgot! I have heard that they dont have much but they do have a little. It will most likely be expensive. I wish I saw a place to get them in the Arab quarter, because things are cheaper there, but alas that did not happen.

Yesturdays shopping experiance was so funny. If you are a lady I would love to tell you about it sometime, because its a girl appropriate story, but I assure you a laugh from it. We also ended up getting a little away from where we knew, but as long as you know the direction you are in you can find a way out of the wall. So all was well. Some of the girls tried their hand at haggeling and I got a new dress thing to keep cool in. I thought I would be wearing skirts for modesty but really its more comfortable in the heat! Today however I decided to go with more comfy clothing. I have tomorrow off so perhaps we should plan something. Some of the kids went to the beach today but I needed to go to class. I don't mind though because I woke up this morning excited to sit and learn and read and take in. How blessed I feel to be here learning about things I love. Seriously today in class we talked about tells, when will I get to talk about tells at home! (a tell is a hill like mound that is actually layers of ancient cities built up over hundreds of years!)

I can not believe tomorrow is friday and that I have been here for almost a week already. I have been keeping up with the homework so far and it is a ton of reading, but it has been fairly interesting. I also have a class on Society and Politics in Palestine taught by a member of their parliment, and I am eager to learn from his perspective what is going. He is really funny as well. Don't worry Mr. Cooper, I am not being brain washed.

I signed up to do some volunteer work here, hopefully at a Hebrew school or if not there with the gyspies in the old city. I am excited to see what God will do!

New Picture Files!
Getting to Israel:
The Old City, St. Annes, and the Pools of Bethesda:
The Western Wall:
Talk to you Soon! Love and Miss you... Claire

1 comment:

wandering through life said...

Claire, Being a coffeaholic myself, I know how important a good cup of coffee is in the morning. I'm glad that there is coffee a ways away, yet I know that may not always be a possibility. Too bad there is not a Starbucks there. I could send you a cup but I'm not sure how to package it. Do you place it in bubble wrap or send it overnight?
Your pics of the Western wall are great. It is very neat to see it. How did you feel being there?
I had a problem getting into the first two albums on this post. In fact, I could not get into them. The last one I did.
Take care. Hugs and kisses to you both.
Mom Porch