Friday, September 19, 2008

Has it been three weeks?

Wow, I truly cannot believe that my time here is going so quickly. True, a week was spent in a sick haze, and then another week getting adjusted, but where did this week go? I pray that I am living this time to the fullest, or at least plan of trying harder from now on. I think a lot of me not leaving so often has to do with the fact that it has to be planned, because I can't leave alone, and also the fact that everything in the country costs so much money. I really am trying to be frugal. However when a water bottle that you need costs $15 and you are running low on shampoo... well I should have brought more toiletries I guess. Just keep my finances in prayer.

So this week went by very quickly, though I am not sure why. I need to refocus and get things done! Jennilee and I have both taken to napping, which is really a blessing considering we had such a hard time adjusting to the sleeping situation. I have heard that the going back jet lag is a lot less worse, praise the Lord. I didn't really go out this week, I guess I was feeling a little bummed out about some things. God has definitely given me reminders of the life I thought I was leaving in the states here, and not necessarily ones that I wanted to take with me. However I am using these things to grow in Him. So here is a secret. I am giving up hummus. Its true, there is no way that the amount of hummus I consume here can be good for you! Well maybe, but still it should be a treat. Like Challah bread! They only make this sweet sweet bread for the Shabbat meal, and I look forward to it every week. It looks like a braid and they cover it in this sticky honey sauce. In the summer months the bees will be hovering all over the bread in the market!

So I have another exam on Monday on the Land of Benjamin. I am trying to study more of the historical aspects of the land this time, which is what I struggled with on the last exam, where as usual Jennilee did better than I did.

OH so heres something. Today at dinner Dr. Wright announces to the ladies that George has found a solution to our problem. What problem? I had no idea. Well these luke warm showers we've been getting arn't the norm I guess. WHAT WHAT WHAT. Cold showers arn't normal? I am rather depressed to find out the boys can barely stand the showers because they are so warm. Go figure. I miss hot showers and water pressure.

Other than that things were pretty docile this week. Someone visiting the campus stole some brass pots, so we were advised to be locking our doors. Though I am having trouble seeing how someone would get up to the roof and down all of the steps and then through the locked gate with my computer, but Jennilee figures its possible, so we've become door lockers.

I am excited for Ramadan to be over so we can go out to eat, Jennilee spoted a veggi resturaunt today and we are pretty excited to try the food there. And speaking of food, I have discovered a love for the produce here that I will really miss. This love comes in the form of figs and dates! I don't think I can ever buy a bag of dates like the other students do, because I would surely eat them all. Its harvest time in the land, and the dates are HUGE. Why don't we eat dates and figs in the states? Someone let me know.

I would like to take this time to thank Tim for burning me all of these C.D.'s before I left, because they have really kept my feet tapping when the internet goes out!

Well I think that is it for now, I love you!


Unknown said...

Fresh dates have less calories than dried dates. 4 oz fresh dates contain 100 calories while dried dates of the same weight contain 250 calories. Dates are high in iron and potassium. They are useful in anemia, constipation and fatigue. So not so bad!! Love you!

Unknown said... this out.