Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Chronic Illness and Bliss

Jet Lag, Heat Stroke, Hyperventaltion, Dieherria, Gas, Bloating, Wasp Stings, Bug Bites, Headaches, exema(AHHHHHH,) and now a cold...

but I am mostly homesick. I miss being with people I know and that Love me. Thank Goodness for Jennilee and her support. This is just harder then I thought it would be. I am not trying to complain, I love it here, but sometimes I go the whole day without a hug! I obviously need to meet a nice Israeli Soldier! (just kidding) Thank you to all of the people who have taken time out of their afternoon to make me laugh, it really Helps. God is just using this to grow me more then I thought he would. Since I last updated I have basically been recovering from the weekend, it is Tuesday right? Alright so last night I went out with some people to get hookah again, Don't worry I didn't have any. I would probably gag my lungs up anyway. It did have a pleasent apple smell though. I was pretty bummed out last night though. I should have stayed home to myself but I am trying to get to know some people better so I won't feel so lonely. So I did not get to sleep until late because I was talking with friends online. That meant a nice nap this morning after I put some laundry on the clothes line (Mrs. Wright called them our air dryers!) So then I got up and did some hebrew homework. We are translating the book of 2 kings, which so far has been cool with all the calling down of fire. It took us 10 verses to figure out what story we were on!

Today is Nicoles birthday so we are going out for dinner! I havent really eatten out at all so this should be good. We are going out after lunch to pick her up a present in the Old City. We tried yesturday but it was getting late and they want us in for dusk during Ramadan, well at least being careful, but the U.S. Embassy makes their people get inside! I guess their is a lot of crime during that time because the men are supposed to provide presents for their families or something. So our school has had people get mugged before or held at knife point. HAHA I just made my mom feel so much better.

SO anyway please be praying for us. I am excited that it feels cooler today, well its 82, but the air feels cooler.

I think I have some new pictures to share!

Israel 3D: http://www.new.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2012154&l=c91a2&id=170100936

Temple Mount Museum and Hezekiahs Tunnel: http://www.new.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2012172&l=23386&id=170100936

Hezekiahs Tunnel and Tombs and ...: http://www.new.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2012173&l=e946c&id=170100936

Love you! Claire


Unknown said...

Claire: I am so living vicariously by reading your posts and Jennilee's. I will be praying for your many, many health issues! Hang in there.
Love ya lots

Unknown said...

So many people are living your experience through this blog and your experience. Ginger told me tonight she figured out her gmail so she could post to you. Thank you so much for writing this. It was a great comfort to hear your voice this morning, even though I had to cut curves short. hehe I miss your voice so much. I feel I have so much to catch up on with you. I called the derm Dr. and got a script for you. I am mailing it out tomorrow. I would love to mail more, but that will have to wait. I want to get you this med asap. I will also send some auquafor. I laughed when I heard of you using the "air dryer". I am so glad you are learning these techniques. I hope you will apply what you learn at home!! How was dinner out last night? I would assume a lot different than going to the Olive Garden or Viewmont dinner with your friends here. We had covered dish at Ladies Aid tonight, I think that speaks for itself. Well I am opff to bed myself. I hope I get to talk with you in the morning. If not have a great day for the Lord! I love you so much. Daddy also sends his love.

Hoping to talk with you soon.

PS, Please tell Jennilee that we are asking for her and that she is in our prayers also. Thank her for taking pics of you so we can see your face. We love you Jennilee.