Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Terminal Thoughts

Things have gone fairly smooth thus far. This morning I woke up at 5:30 and took a long shower. Enjoying the warm water I will no longer be garenteed. I ate breakfast with my family, and then sat by the door in anticipation.

Things went off without a hitch right after my mother stopped hugging me long enough to let me leave with my father. The trip didn't take that long except for the traffic we hit at the GW Bridge all the way to the airport!

Dad dropped me at the airport near 11, and I sat and stared at the Olymic Sign for an hour and a half untill the gate opened! I also got asked if I had any room for more luggage by this greek woman. I am writing about her so I will always remember her son, who would be cute except for the fact that his unibrow eats his whole face! HOLY COW. I hope all the greeks have unibrows like I did when I was 10. Also, I feel like all the other travelers are dressed very international, I choose pajamas! We are going to be on the flight for almost 10 hours!

Then thank the Lord, Jennilee called to tell me she was here, and we went through security together. It wasnt as scary as I thought, but really really crowded and very very fast paced. So I am happy that it is over and now we can sit in the terminal and wait for our flight, which I guess leaves at 4:30 and not 2 like I had thought, Oh well. As long as we are here and ready to go. Oh and did I mention everything is expensive. 3 dollars for a cart, four dollars for rancid coffee and a rubber scone, and eight dollars to use the internet! Jennilee just went to get food and I can only guess that it as well is expensive and terrible for you.

So here we sit, as the kids in front of me, which are obviously underage sip margaritas with there mother and Jennilee leaves me alone to stare out the window. I am still wondering how my computer has no battery, but hopefully it will charge before we leave. We still have a little under two hours before bording. I think I am going to get some music I want from itunes or something. I may up date if anything interesting happens, like the fact that I am suprised that they let me through with my hideous passport photo, I mean it, they stretched my face so huge I look like I have elephantitus of the face! Alright, well I am feeling rather calm now, its good to be with Jennilee.

Until later, Love, Claire


wandering through life said...

I have been tracking your flight to Athens. Isn't the internet wonderful? I got real time updates as to where your plane was at what time. There was even a map that shows the plane and where it is in route.

Have a great time in Athens. See all you can see. It is a once in a lifetime experience. (I know- you've heard that before.) Really, enjoy yourselves. I hope you got some sleep in route to Athens otherwise you will be very tired for Athens. (Mom advice- just gloss over it.)
I miss you, Jennilee. I love you. You said it was a long prayer when I hugged you at the security gate and you are right. It was very hard to let you go. Not because I think of you as a little kid, I don't. But because I know how much I will miss you. And how this is the beginning of your independent life. I know how capable you are. I'm proud of you.

Claire, I think that's all your mother was being "weird" about. We know our little girls are gone and women stand in their places. By the way you look beautiful in your photo in the airport.
Love you both.
Mom Porch

Stange Family said...

as promised, here I am reading, praying, and commenting! :)