Saturday, August 30, 2008

Loving It!

So it is really hot [note to Dad: you wouldn't make it here, haha]. We don't have air-conditioning in the university so we basically leave the window open at night and then close it in the morning, and have the fan running 24/7. It hasn't been too terribly bad, but it helps that I have accepted the fact that I will be in a constant state of sweating. Ok, not all the time, the nights are refreshingly cool. [note to Mom: Yes I have been drinking lots of water, believe me you have to here].

It was so nice today. We woke up, had breakfast, then had an information meeting on the academic aspect, then registered for classes. Later we had our student life information meeting, which was interesting. The thing they stressed the most was not, "look out for terrorists" (because Jerusalem is pretty safe, in that respect), but "dress to cover your knees and shoulders, and ladies do NOT walk anywhere alone" (with an emphasis on a group of three or four girls being better, and walking with a guy being the best). Apparently, in this culture the men around you prove that you are connected to a community. So it's not so much just because they think your a weak woman, but community gives a woman respect.

In the afternoon, we were split up into smaller groups and had to go on a scavenger hunt in the Old City. We had to take pictures of things like store keepers playing backgammon, us holding a soldiers gun (we actually did get that one, some groups couldn't find a soldier who was willing), us eating a falafel, different historic buildings, and what not. Our group had a good time and actually got a majority of the list crossed off.

Finally, this evening we split into two groups of like 20 and got a tour through the New City. It was so nice to be walking outside after the sun went down. Plus the New City seems like an awesome place to hang out and shop. It was also really cool that I got to talk to a lot of different people on the walk. I think I'm getting better at small talk :).
Anyways, I really should go to bed soon (though I'm really awake right now), because Claire and I plan to go to church tomorrow. It will be neat to see how different the church services are here. Then we have a five hour walk through the Old City tomorrow as part of our Physical Settings class. So that should be fun. And hot, of course...but that basically describes Israel right now.

I hope you all in The States are doing well. Enjoy your Fall weather, and just know that God is keeping us safe here and really excited for this semester. I really like the group of students here, so that makes it all the more enjoyable.

Love and God Bless,

P.S. I will be posting the links for my facebook photo albums here tomorrow, when I figure out how.
P.P.S. [note to Sam: Guess what! They have a basketball hoop here. but sadly the basketball is not well inflated. Though soon I will find a basketball that works and play! You better keep up on practicing or I will totally dribble circles around you when I get back ;)]

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