Friday, August 22, 2008

Pre-departure Ramblings

A note from Jennilee:

So I too am very excited (and yes a little nervous) about our awesome adventure in the Holy Land. I finally got the map project done last Wednesday, which was a huge relief. I haven't started packing, but will do that Monday.

I really can't wait to walk the roads that Jesus walked and Abraham and David, etc. Though, I think my mental image of a desert land where the greats roamed will be interrupted by all of the apartment buildings and other modern developments. So after I get over that disappointment it will be very cool.

Everyone keeps telling me to "be safe" and "be careful", and other similar sentiments just because it is Israel that I'm going to. However, I pray you all remember that no matter where I go God is with me. He will never leave me or forsake me, and I truly believe this. Therefore, let this truth also calm your spirits for I am in no danger when God is near.

Finally, to my friends and family I will miss you so very much! I probably won't even realize how much until I get there. But I'm still excited because this is an awesome opportunity. I hope you all will enjoy this blog and our inevitable adventures and misadventures.

Yours Truly,

1 comment:

Claire Regan said...

HOORAY you finished your homework! I am almost finished!