Sunday, August 31, 2008


Thank Claire for showing me where the link was to post my facebook albums here.
Enjoy everyone!

"Fast Tour of Athina"

"Fast Tour of Athina -Continued-"

"1st Day in Israel"

Love and God Bless,

[note: click on the pictures to enlarge, though that may have been obvious]

Wonderful, Yet Terrifying.

This morning we went to Christ's Church in the Old City, built in the 1800's it was the first protestant church in Israel, it was an Anglican service but awesome. Well that was until I was taking communion and drank WINE. AHHHH. Gosh I was terrified as soon as it touched my lips. I just assumed it would be grape juice, in fact I was looking forward to it. I know that it was done in remembrance of Christ but I have made a commitment not to drink and would really need some time in prayer, a lot of prayer, to change my mind on that decision. I guess this is just another thing God is using to grow me. Pray that I will focus on him through this time and not fall into what is comfortable for me.

In Love. Claire.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

A Nice View of Hell.

I know you are probably thinking a few things. One might be why hasn't claire written? And the other is why does claire have a nice view of Hell?

I will answer the second first.

It is six am. I really thought it might be earlier and am happy that I slept so long, considering I didn't think jet lag would hit me so hard and I worked hard not to nap when I was tired yesturday. So after a lot of walking all over today, I went to bed ready to sleep. All that happened was me dreaming about getting lost in the old city which was very unnerving. So this name is fitting because of that, and because off of the roof we have a wonderful veiw of the Hinnon Valley. Jesus compares this Valley to Hell, I am thinking because it was a dump or something that I will probably learn in the next few months. Any, thanks for letting me explain, and let me start from the begining and catch you up. We left off at the layover, and gosh it seems like two weeks ago.

The layover got longer at night. We walked around a lot after we freshened up in the less popular bathroom while we one of us watched eachothers stuff. Next time I go hiking up the side of a mountain I will bring more clothing. Gosh I need to google the countries I go to before I get there, more on that later. Lets see I spent my euro trying different coffee, mostly because I didnt know how to order and kept getting strange things. Nothing tasted like I thought it would and I never did get filtered coffee. Atleast I know for next time. Then we found something to eat. I tried my luck at sushi and Jennilee got pizza, I guess both were pretty good but looking back I shouldnt have tested my luck. We then tried napping on some chairs, well I layed accross the table part, for a few mins, and then went through customes and finally a darn security point. We hadn't been through one all day, and where wondering why. In the terminal, we met Josh, another JUC student, who kept walking past us trying to figure out if we were JUC! We finally talked to him and spent the rest of our journey together.

We took the red eye from Athena to Yeshrael at 2 am. The food was terrible on this flight and I have no idea why they bothered anyway. Who eats so late anyway? Alright I should keep moving. The flight seemed to go by quickly after a short nap, and we finally landed at our destination! Now the airport in Tel Aviv was huge, but the three of us somehow mananged to meet up with Ian and Billy, two more students, and then took a sherut (a group taxi) to JUC at 6 am. Alright... so we walked outside for the first time, all I thought was, it is so humid. It was like wearing a sweater of air! I think I am starting to get used to it. I tried to take pictures of this trip, but I was tired out of my mind, and also feeling sick, another feeling that hasn't quite left yet.

We arrived at JUC in one peice, which is a miracle consider there is barely a traffic pattern here. Everyone drives so aggresively! I would never be able to for sure. First thing that happened was room appointments. We told them our name and they said we had room 400B, and then laughed and said something about being all the way up there. I didn't know that this would mean about six to ten flights of winding stairs all the way to roof level! I am going to have the best legs of my life. Can I say that? Anyway I will. So we got settled and took a crazy cold shower. They only heat their water twice daily here in the morning and at night, supposedly during lunch as well sometimes. I will have to figure that out. But the cold water was welcome and felt good on my skin. We took a short nap before heading out to the Old city with Nada from Nigera and her friend whose name I can never remember. They have been here before so that was a blessing. The Old City is very close to us, only a less then ten min walk away along the way. We walk right through the Jaffa gate and into a World I wasn't expecting... more different then anything I had ever seen. Think a small network of alleys (well a large one) making the biggest flea market on the planet, sometimes covered and sometimes enclosed, all split off into different sections but definately not clearly marked...gosh its so different! Oh and then out of no were, we were at the Western wall. There it was, right in front of me! I didn't know how to react, I almost cried, but I am really on sensory overload here, so much has been thrown in front of my eyes in such a short time! It looks like arabian nights, but I guess I keep forgetting I am in the Middle east. So after changing some money we came back and took another shower, ate dinner, and tried with more fail to sleep through the night.

The breeze amazes me here. It comes at night and cools everything off, it is wonderful. You definately wait for it after being hot for so long. By the way, I feel so pale here, 10x of normal. I just want to tan and ruin my skin forever! Maybe I will work up to something! So this morning we had breakfast of hot hard boiled eggs and some other things... I WILL do a blog on the food later. Then had a day of orientation, ending in a picture scavenger hunt and a walking tour of the modern new city, which is only four hundred years old lol.

I will try to get pictures up soon, and go into more detail about my day later, my computer is about to die.

Maybe it hasnt hit me yet that I am in the Holy Land. But it is starting to. I thought it would feel different, but how do I say it feel just like another place. But it does feel different in that everything other then its a place is different. We had orientation today and were warned about all the dangers of living here, and I can feel that tension around, but I also feel so much peace here. It is so beautiful in the sence of its...age? I can't explain it, but I am praying that the Lord is going to use this time to grow me, and I know that he will.

ps. you can't flush the toilet paper here. It just feels wrong.

Loving It!

So it is really hot [note to Dad: you wouldn't make it here, haha]. We don't have air-conditioning in the university so we basically leave the window open at night and then close it in the morning, and have the fan running 24/7. It hasn't been too terribly bad, but it helps that I have accepted the fact that I will be in a constant state of sweating. Ok, not all the time, the nights are refreshingly cool. [note to Mom: Yes I have been drinking lots of water, believe me you have to here].

It was so nice today. We woke up, had breakfast, then had an information meeting on the academic aspect, then registered for classes. Later we had our student life information meeting, which was interesting. The thing they stressed the most was not, "look out for terrorists" (because Jerusalem is pretty safe, in that respect), but "dress to cover your knees and shoulders, and ladies do NOT walk anywhere alone" (with an emphasis on a group of three or four girls being better, and walking with a guy being the best). Apparently, in this culture the men around you prove that you are connected to a community. So it's not so much just because they think your a weak woman, but community gives a woman respect.

In the afternoon, we were split up into smaller groups and had to go on a scavenger hunt in the Old City. We had to take pictures of things like store keepers playing backgammon, us holding a soldiers gun (we actually did get that one, some groups couldn't find a soldier who was willing), us eating a falafel, different historic buildings, and what not. Our group had a good time and actually got a majority of the list crossed off.

Finally, this evening we split into two groups of like 20 and got a tour through the New City. It was so nice to be walking outside after the sun went down. Plus the New City seems like an awesome place to hang out and shop. It was also really cool that I got to talk to a lot of different people on the walk. I think I'm getting better at small talk :).
Anyways, I really should go to bed soon (though I'm really awake right now), because Claire and I plan to go to church tomorrow. It will be neat to see how different the church services are here. Then we have a five hour walk through the Old City tomorrow as part of our Physical Settings class. So that should be fun. And hot, of course...but that basically describes Israel right now.

I hope you all in The States are doing well. Enjoy your Fall weather, and just know that God is keeping us safe here and really excited for this semester. I really like the group of students here, so that makes it all the more enjoyable.

Love and God Bless,

P.S. I will be posting the links for my facebook photo albums here tomorrow, when I figure out how.
P.P.S. [note to Sam: Guess what! They have a basketball hoop here. but sadly the basketball is not well inflated. Though soon I will find a basketball that works and play! You better keep up on practicing or I will totally dribble circles around you when I get back ;)]

Friday, August 29, 2008

In Israel

Hey everyone, WE MADE IT! We are getting settled in, and I promise to have this updated later on today!

Love you, Claire

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Two Greecian Urns

Well after a long flight to Athens we are here and safe! I mean we are here in Athens and I still had some internet credit left I guess, I am using it to share my photos with you. If you feel like there are none of me, their arnt, I took of Jennilee and she took of me! She will post them when she gets to Israel.

The Flight was long but I think going at night kept things broken up and less boring. We watched movies on our personal tv screens and they served dinner and then we tried with much fail to sleep, but we mostly dozed. those pictures can be found here:

I will put in explanations of the photos when I have more internet power and I am not so tired. And sun burnt. And watching Jennilee sleep. Right now we are stolen away in a quiet corner of the airport, we figure we have some time before we take the red eye. We are going to go through securtiy at 10, so that we can just sleep when we get through...

oh so we got here and then we went over to the hotel, guess what no room, just so bogus discount which left us still paying 180 euros, so we went for the nice bathrooms instead, jennilee took pictures of those, they had hand towels! it was nice to wash up... then we took the bus into the city and started our journey: those photos are here...
album one:
album two:
album three:

so the day was awesome we did alot of running everywhere trying to see it all in one day. the only problem was we only had this dinky map with nothing on it, so went solo, we shopped had these awesome yogurt things at a cafe, took pictures, hiked up the side of a mountain, and then ate grapes from a street vendor for dinner. oh this morning i had greek coffee, which i am assuming is what i have to drink now, its sweet and thick, its strange but its not so bad when its hot. but everyone is carrying around good looking coffee but i dont think i can find it and i am sure i couldnt order it. for sure.

so jennilee is passed out over her suitcase, i know she is bummed that she wont be able to shower until we get there, but when we come home i am going to have to show her how to pack a carry on, and sunscreen! well i am going to hunt down some coffee...they took visa here so i didnt really have to spend that much euro...

thank you for praying for my safety, i love you, claire

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Terminal Thoughts

Things have gone fairly smooth thus far. This morning I woke up at 5:30 and took a long shower. Enjoying the warm water I will no longer be garenteed. I ate breakfast with my family, and then sat by the door in anticipation.

Things went off without a hitch right after my mother stopped hugging me long enough to let me leave with my father. The trip didn't take that long except for the traffic we hit at the GW Bridge all the way to the airport!

Dad dropped me at the airport near 11, and I sat and stared at the Olymic Sign for an hour and a half untill the gate opened! I also got asked if I had any room for more luggage by this greek woman. I am writing about her so I will always remember her son, who would be cute except for the fact that his unibrow eats his whole face! HOLY COW. I hope all the greeks have unibrows like I did when I was 10. Also, I feel like all the other travelers are dressed very international, I choose pajamas! We are going to be on the flight for almost 10 hours!

Then thank the Lord, Jennilee called to tell me she was here, and we went through security together. It wasnt as scary as I thought, but really really crowded and very very fast paced. So I am happy that it is over and now we can sit in the terminal and wait for our flight, which I guess leaves at 4:30 and not 2 like I had thought, Oh well. As long as we are here and ready to go. Oh and did I mention everything is expensive. 3 dollars for a cart, four dollars for rancid coffee and a rubber scone, and eight dollars to use the internet! Jennilee just went to get food and I can only guess that it as well is expensive and terrible for you.

So here we sit, as the kids in front of me, which are obviously underage sip margaritas with there mother and Jennilee leaves me alone to stare out the window. I am still wondering how my computer has no battery, but hopefully it will charge before we leave. We still have a little under two hours before bording. I think I am going to get some music I want from itunes or something. I may up date if anything interesting happens, like the fact that I am suprised that they let me through with my hideous passport photo, I mean it, they stretched my face so huge I look like I have elephantitus of the face! Alright, well I am feeling rather calm now, its good to be with Jennilee.

Until later, Love, Claire

To JFK and Onward

So we are currently waiting in JFK, and yes still very excited and also very happy to see each other. Thank the Lord for wireless internet in the terminal, it will help the time go by.

I must say that God is awesome and He does answer prayers. Usually my natural reaction to new situations is anxiety, but when I got to Rochester airport and said "goodbye" to by Mom I felt at peace. I knew God was with me the whole way and I didn't have to be afraid of anything. His awesome peace has stayed with me and I know will continue as we proceed. Thank You Lord Jesus. :D
I can't wait to get to Athens! It will be so fun to run around and see the sites. We only have a 9hr. flight before then, but really what is that compared to the adventure that is to come.

I thank you all for your prayers and just ask for your continued prayers as we still have farther to go.

God Bless,

Over Coffee.

Wow. I guess that is how to describe this feeling. Here I am sitting on my couch, getting ready to leave my home for three months. I think I have everything ready, and even if I dont, I can always get it when I get there, so I have no reason to be nervous, everything will come to pass whether it goes my way or not... right?

Jennilee's plane gets in at 12:30, I am hoping to be around before then so I can be there where she arrives. However, I know how airports and nyc traffic can be. I think everything is starting to hit me, but not all of it yet. My mother has started acting weird and hugging me a lot, but I haven't stopped her. I understand her concern. Throughout this whole preparation people have pounded her with questions concerning my welfare. It is almost as if they think that I am being forced to go and eventually get blown up. I have to admit when I decided to go I had to face the reality that Israel has been at war for basically forever, and that my personal safety may be questioned at some point. However, the same is true for going to school in philly, and Jerusalem is much safer than philly. I guess I just know that this is where God wants me. He has put it all in his plan and I am very excited to see where he is going.

My dad just said something about crazy flight delays today... great...


Hannah Stange, tomorrow I will be in Athens, Greece! Isn't that exciting!

I should be writing shortly,
Peace be with you,

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Almost Time...

I am a simple enough person, I enjoy simple and classic style, I try to keep my life stress free... but that wouldn't explain why I have felt that nervous feeling in my stomach all day. It's true, I am really nervous about what is about to happen to me. I am not really that nervous about staying in Israel, just about getting there, just about getting in and out of Athens. OH about that, we get a free hotel room in SWEET is that! maybe we can get a shower which would be awesome and a few hours of a nap would be cool too. I figure we wont be in Athens at night, well def. not. WAIT did I tell you were are going to Athens! yeah we are for 17 hours. Only 17. but we are going to milk those 17 hours like crazzzzy! Thats right parthanon here we come....and what ever there else in there... gyros? anyway I picked up some euro today for before we arrive there. then i went to the mall at steamtown and starbucks. ahhh yeah then home to pack pack pack. then to get my nails done with my mom. and let me tell you that lady rubbing my feet was the perfect thing! it was awesome.

so tomorrow we leave for the airport at eight. i had better get back to working on getting ready. if you comment today, leave some advice for me!

I hope to write during the trip! Love You, Claire

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Crap, I'm Going to Israel

A note from Jennilee:

So, you know that whole feeling where you will be doing something big soon, but it's just not soon enough to enter the realm of your conscious reality. It stays in its little world of hazy eventualities and "some day"s. However, now it seems as the hours and minutes tick by, and Friday becomes Saturday and Saturday becomes Sunday that soon, oh very soon, it will be Wednesday. On Wednesday I'm leaving for Israel. Wow, I'm actually leaving. The world will no longer consist solely of a few small towns in New York and one small campus in Langhorne, PA.
How weird.


But, I'm ok with that.

Panera Bread Pondering

Jerusalem University College

A note from Claire:

Well T Minus three days here in PA. I can barely believe that its almost time to go on this adventure. Things have strangely started to slow down, which I guess is good because I still have a lot to do before we leave, AND yes that includes homework. But really I am going to work on it today and I am not doing anything for the next few days, though I do have to find some more things that cover my elbows. I had no idea how immodest I was until I met the Jews! I have decided that I don't care that I am going to have to change everything about fashion wise and just blend in the Israeli crowd. I am looking forward to how this experience is going to change my world view.

So here I sit in Panera Bread in Dickson City, wondering about what life is going to be like away from this place. I know that God is changing things all over the place and I am happy to be a part of it, however there has been a lot of pain coming the way of my friends and family lately. How can so much expected good come from such terrible situations that this summer has brought us? I know if we keep trusting we will find out.

I would like to definitely write a thank you to all the support that I have gotten financially from my Church family. I can not believe the support that they have given me, and it is good to know that I am so loved and cared about, this blog is definitely written with you in mind. So thank you very much to Hannah Thomas, The Towers family, Bob, Cookie, Gina, Muriel, the Garms Family, and The Coopers. Without you I do not know how I would have been able to stretch my summer pay over three months. I mean even today after such a terrible night, and angel came to my door with a 500 dollar check! Can you believe it! I definitely cried about that one, what a huge blessing. But it isn't only the checks but the prayers as well. How blessed am I to have such loving people in my life.

We are leaving on Wednesday in the afternoon, but I have to leave the house at 8am to make sure I get to the airport (JFK) in time for all the baggage stuff we have to get through. From there we fly out to Athens, where we plan to spend the day which should be so fun. It only costs around 6 dollars to take the bus into down town Athens, and I want to get my picture taken with the Parthenon!

I think that is it for now, more to come later!

Love you, Claire.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Pre-departure Ramblings

A note from Jennilee:

So I too am very excited (and yes a little nervous) about our awesome adventure in the Holy Land. I finally got the map project done last Wednesday, which was a huge relief. I haven't started packing, but will do that Monday.

I really can't wait to walk the roads that Jesus walked and Abraham and David, etc. Though, I think my mental image of a desert land where the greats roamed will be interrupted by all of the apartment buildings and other modern developments. So after I get over that disappointment it will be very cool.

Everyone keeps telling me to "be safe" and "be careful", and other similar sentiments just because it is Israel that I'm going to. However, I pray you all remember that no matter where I go God is with me. He will never leave me or forsake me, and I truly believe this. Therefore, let this truth also calm your spirits for I am in no danger when God is near.

Finally, to my friends and family I will miss you so very much! I probably won't even realize how much until I get there. But I'm still excited because this is an awesome opportunity. I hope you all will enjoy this blog and our inevitable adventures and misadventures.

Yours Truly,

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Becoming Aware of Impending Change

A note from Claire:

I suppose I should be writing this to myself, considering the fact that it will be me reading this first collection of thoughts after this impending experience becomes another part of my past. So I will say this, Claire, I am completely terrified. You have put off a mountain of homework that is only 60% finished, and you have no idea what to pack. You have taken to crying over silly things like saying Hello to your mother over the phone and the idea of not moving in along with your other room mates back at PBU. Ten percent of you wants to pack it in and go home to PBU were you are comfortable, loved, and popular among your peers. But the other 90 percent is so excited to finally just do this so you should probably get a hold of yourself. That felt good to get out.


We are six days out from our trip, and there couldn't be more to get done. I mean not only the pile of homework, but also the packing, day trip planning, and endless errands to get things like facewash and travelers checks. Things are quickly changing, I am finished with Curves Gym, and tomorrow is my last day of work. Last Day. Maybe forever, at cartridge world. I will actually kinda miss it, and I am wondering if they will do anything for my last day, like make a cake or something that people do when someone is leaving them on good terms.

Perhaps more about how I am feeling... I am excited. I feel like I have had to make so many choices that started with "well I am going to Israel in .... months." This includes my slower than dirt love life, and also trips and fine prizes. Now when I get back I can start planning my next big thing, most likely my cruise with Jenny Rogers, which happens to be a pipe dream created to keep our sanity intact during finals week. It will however happen. I will also be able to focus on my future career and maybe get a car and/or a man in my life. I would enjoy the car a little more I think! Why am I talking about the after math of Israel? Because I get these feelings when things are about to change, and let me tell you something big is coming around! This could be good or bad, but I have learned to accept God's will for my life no matter what.

Perhaps I should say that I have no idea about what Israel will be like, I am guessing something like Fiddler on the Roof meets that flop musical the American Mall. I panicked today when I realized I dont really own that many pairs of pants, and am wondering if capries count. I will just take them and see. If I get stoned Rachel, know that its not a good fashion move on your part.

I gave in today and bought sneakers while I was hanging out with Tim. It so happened that I bought an expensive pair or sensible walking new balances. I dont mind them, but spending money pains me inside. Unless its for coffee or a scone. Or maybe a blouse I can't live without. The coffee is everyday, the blouse every few weeks. Any, I love the sneakers, and I am happy I decided to go for them. I havent bought a decent pair...ever. I just was thinking if I was going to walk all over Greece in Six days, I should be wearing comfortable shoes, and if you didnt know, Taylors dont cut it in the walking issue.

I will continue to be posting more about the trip in the days to come, I hope you continue to read and share this with Jennilee and I, she will be posting as well, so there will be plenty of updates.

Love Always,
